We are offering / providing optimal solutions to commercial banks (conventional & Islamic), DFIs, Microfinance banks and Capital Market Players on;
All types of Regulatory, Supervisory / Surveillance and Shariah matters related to SBP & SECP.
Formation of a new bank/subsidiary / digital bank/ microfinance bank specially Islamic banks.
Licensing, permission for Islamic banking window (IBW), conversion of conventional banking business and operations into Islamic banking (full bank’s / branch conversion).
Digital banking regulatory framework (also for Islamic banking), technology governance, digital financial services, technology implementation, fintech facilitation and an enabling regulatory environment for new players. Also software solutions for Islamic banking institutions on Pool Management.
Development and review of commercial banking policies, product and procedural manuals, SoPs, business/strategy models & planning as per SBP regulations / SECP (where applicable) for banks, DFIs and microfinance banks in all areas, required under SBP regulations.
Software Solutions.
Shariah Advisory.
Training and enhancement in the capacity of the human resources of banks and other stakeholders at all levels in various areas of banking & finance particularly in Islamic & digital banking.(as per the enclosed list).